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Misa Kubo

Owner therapist   MISA KUBO


Misa Kubo began studying Ayurveda under Dr. Naina Marballi in New York in 2006. After obtaining her esthetician's state license, she opened Wild Lotus Ayurveda New York in Park Slope, Brooklyn in 2008. 

She loves Yoga theory. 

New York State Certified Esthetician,


Reiki Master,

Certifide Holistic Health Counselor,

Access Bars®︎ Practitioner,

IYC Certified Beginner Yoga Adjustment Instructor,

A member of Japan Ayurveda Association,

Graduated from the Department of Sociology, Yonsei University, Seoul.

Naina Marballi医師に師事。2008年にWild Lotus Ayurveda NYをPark Slope, Brookln にオープン。

これまでニューヨークの公立高校のメンタルヘルスイベントやヨガTTにてアーユルヴェーダ講座を担当。日本では長崎をはじめ、神戸、岐阜、成田、東京、札幌でWSを開催してもらい、「最大限に自分を活かして生きる方法 アーユルヴェーダ」のスピーカーに。



Therapist, Apparel department   HITOMI WADA

In 2012, Hitomi discovered Ayurveda through an Ayurvedic treatment by Misa, the founder of Wild Lotus Ayurveda.

As she gets the treatment, she wants to know more about Ayurveda and began learning Ayurveda seriously.

Because of its depth, she is fascinated by Ayurveda and is confident that will continue to learn Ayurveda in her next life too.


Hitomi always gives treatment her clients with a sacred feeling, and her warm and gentle touch treatment will heal her client’s mind and body. 

She has made yoga pants for Wild Lotus and she is also planning to launch Wild Lotus apparel department.



NYS licensed esthetician 

Certificates of Indian head / back massage and Facial lymphatic drainage

Access Consciousness® Access Bars® Practitioner

Therapist   YUKO VELSEY


Yuko has over 20 years of experience teaching early childhood with methods including holistic and Steiner-inspired techniques.

After she fell in love with the world of Ayurveda, she completed the Wild Lotus therapist training course in 2020, and completed the Holistic Ayurveda Nutrition program by Dr. Naina Marbali in 2021. Yuko continues to educate herself in holistic and Ayurvedic practices with love.

New York State Certificated Esthetician

Savitri Yoga & Ayurveda® 200 Hour Teacher Training (RYS 200 Yoga)

Babymassage Association Japan® Developmental Baby Massage Certified Teacher

Access Consciousness® Access Bars® Practitioner

​ニューヨーク移住後、「その瞬間を楽しむ」をモットーとした日本語幼児クラスを教え始める。自然に丸ごと身をまかせることで「生きる力」を育んでいく「外あそびクラス」を立ち上げて活動する中で、導かれるようにアーユルヴェーダに出会う。2020年にWL認定「Ayurveda セラピスト養成講座」終了。21年Savitri Yoga & Ayurveda Teacher Training修了後、Naina Marballi医師のHolistic Ayurveda Nutrition Program Courseで学びを深める。愛あふれるアーユルヴェーダの世界を学び続けながら、自然と調和したセッションを行なっている。

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