New arrivals!Wear Sattvic!*
Are you ready to dress Sattvic clothes for the spring season?
If so, check them out!
*Sattva is one of the three gunas (virtues/attributes) in Hindu and Samkhya philosophy. The word means “light,” “goodness” and “purity” in Sanskrit.
In Ayurveda and spiritual yoga practice, individuals seek to invite and maintain balance of the self, mind and body through the three gunas. Those who practice sattva seek to nourish the body with pure substances and engage in purifying practices. This can include upholding a sattvic diet, meditating, pranayama, asana practice, and/or the study of sacred scripture.
"I hope that through Wild Lotus’s simple and comfortable private collection, you can feel happiness and joy in your daily life." by Hitomi Wada, WL Apparel Department

We recommend this service for those who find it difficult to come to our salon.
Head Champi Massage, Abhyanga, Shirodhara, Marma Detox Facial or Uruchirakken, Access Bars®️ will come to your home.
Please inquire about treatment menu and exact price when you make a reservation.
$300* for one visit in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens ( Up to 2 hours treatment, includes pulse check 5-10min.*The price depend on the location)
10 sessions → 10%off Expires in 1.5 year from first session
*This deal only with our therapist Yuko.
*The 'First time Discount 10%off ' deal applies for salon treatment only.
*Please prepare a massage bed at home.
Check our Treatment menu here